Understanding Loan Against Property and its Types

Understanding Loan Against Property and its Types

Loan Against Property (LAP) is a versatile financial product that allows property owners to leverage the value of their property to access funds for various purposes. In India, mortgage loans have become increasingly popular due to their flexibility and lower interest rates compared to other forms of credit. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of LAP and its different types, catering to the needs of Indian property owners seeking financial solutions. 

Different Types of Loans Against Property

1. Loan Against Residential Property: 
Loan against residential property is a type of LAP that allows homeowners to pledge their residential property as collateral to secure a loan. This option is ideal for individuals who own a house or apartment and need funds for personal or business purposes. 

2. Loan Against Commercial Property: 
On the other hand, the mortgage of a commercial property enables business owners to utilise their commercial properties, such as office spaces, warehouses, or shops, as collateral for obtaining funds. This type of LAP is tailored to meet the specific financial requirements of businesses operating in diverse sectors across India. 

3. Loan Against Industrial Property:  
Loans against industrial property provide an avenue for industrial property owners to leverage their assets for financing. Industrial properties, including manufacturing facilities, warehouses, and industrial land, can be utilised as collateral to secure loans for business expansion, equipment purchases, or operational needs. This type of LAP caters specifically to the financial requirements of businesses operating in the industrial sector across India. 

In essence, LAP offers financing options against commercial, residential, or industrial property. 

Loan Against Property Based on Applicant’s Employment Type

1. Loan Against Property for Salaried Individuals: 
Salaried individuals in India can avail themselves of LAP by providing proof of stable income and employment. This option offers competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms, making it an attractive choice for salaried professionals looking to finance their personal or professional needs. 

2. Loan Against Property for Self-Employed Individuals: 
For self-employed individuals, LAP provides a convenient financing solution to meet their business or personal requirements. By leveraging their property assets, self-employed borrowers can access substantial funds with minimal hassle, enabling them to expand their businesses or address financial challenges effectively. 

Loan Against Property Based on Usage

1. Loan Against Property for Housing: 
Indian homeowners can utilise LAP for various housing-related expenses, including home renovation, construction, or purchasing more property. This option allows property owners to unlock the equity in their homes to fulfil their housing aspirations without liquidating their assets. 

2. Loan Against Property for Business Expansion: 
Entrepreneurs and business owners in India can leverage LAP to fuel the growth and expansion of their enterprises. Whether it’s for purchasing new equipment, expanding operations, or launching new products, LAP offers a cost-effective financing solution to support business expansion initiatives. 

3. Loan Against Property for Debt Consolidation: 
Debt consolidation through LAP has emerged as a practical solution for Indian borrowers burdened with multiple debts. By consolidating existing debts into a single loan against their property, borrowers can streamline their finances, reduce interest payments, and achieve greater financial stability. 


A Loan Against Property is a valuable financial instrument that provides property owners in India with access to liquidity while retaining ownership of their assets. By understanding the different types of LAPs and their suitability to various needs and circumstances, individuals and businesses can make informed decisions to fulfil their financial goals. Whether it’s for personal expenses, business expansion, or debt consolidation, LAP offers a flexible and efficient financing solution tailored to the Indian market. It’s important to note that LAP is a secured loan, leveraging the value of property assets to provide borrowers with a reliable and stable financing option for various purposes. 


Why is a loan against property taken? 
Loan Against Property (LAP) is sought after due to its versatility and convenience as a financial instrument. Borrowers often opt for LAP to unlock the equity tied up in their property assets while retaining ownership. Common reasons for taking a loan against property include funding personal or business expenses, consolidating debts, expanding ventures, meeting unforeseen financial challenges, and accessing larger loan amounts at comparatively lower interest rates. Overall, LAP offers a practical and cost-effective solution for individuals and businesses seeking substantial funds backed by tangible assets. 

Can I get a loan against property without income proof? 
Yes, it is possible to obtain a loan against property (LAP) without providing traditional income proof in certain cases. Some financial institutions offer LAP schemes tailored for individuals who may not have regular income documentation, such as self-employed individuals or those with irregular income streams. These LAP options may require alternative forms of income verification or collateral assessment, such as bank statements, property valuations, or credit history evaluations. However, eligibility criteria and terms may vary depending on the lender and specific circumstances. It’s advisable to inquire directly with lenders to explore available options for obtaining LAP without a traditional income proof. 

What is the difference between a term loan and a loan against property? 
A term loan and a loan against property (LAP) serve different purposes and have distinct features. 
A term loan is a type of loan in which a large sum is borrowed from a financial institution and repaid over a specified period, typically with fixed monthly instalments. These loans are often used for specific purposes such as purchasing a car, financing education, or funding home renovations. 

On the other hand, a loan against property (LAP) allows individuals to borrow funds against the value of their property, whether residential or commercial. The amount that can be borrowed is determined by the market value of the property provided as collateral. LAP offers greater flexibility in terms of usage, allowing borrowers to use the funds for various purposes such as business expansion, debt consolidation, or meeting personal expenses. 

What are the key types of mortgage loans available for borrowers in India? 
In India, borrowers have access to various types of mortgage loans to suit their diverse needs: 
Fixed-rate mortgage: Offering stability with a constant interest rate throughout the loan term. 

Adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM): Features a fluctuating interest rate, typically after an initial fixed period, providing flexibility. 

Loan Against Property (LAP): Allows borrowers to use their property as collateral for obtaining funds, catering to various financial requirements. Each type of mortgage loan has its advantages and considerations, and borrowers should assess their individual needs and consult with financial experts before making a decision.

Ashutosh P
Ashutosh P

Ashutosh has more than 18 years of experience in commercial banking and SME finance. He heads the branding and marketing for the company and is also the product head for the secured business finance and rooftop solar finance business. Ashutosh boasts over 20 years of extensive experience in the fields of commercial banking and SME finance. Currently, he holds multiple key roles within the organization, including heading the MD's office, overseeing Strategy and Marketing, and serving as the Product Head for the rooftop solar finance division. Additionally, he spearheads various initiatives that have been instrumental in driving the company towards achieving significant impacts in environmental sustainability and financial inclusion.

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