How beneficial are Rooftop Solar Panel Loans?

How beneficial are Rooftop Solar Panel Loans?

By admin | February 11, 2020

Did you know that the energy produced by sunrays in one hour could meet the global energy needs for one year? Solar energy is available in abundance and thanks to innovations in technology, we can now harness even more of the solar energy that is endlessly available to us. Utilizing this power by installing solar panels can make a significant difference to the planet.

Installing rooftop solar technology in your commercial building or factory can help the environment, decrease energy costs and increase the value of your building. Switching to a renewable-energy system might cost a substantial amount one time, but in the long run, it is beneficial.

Benefits of the rooftop solar panel system:


A rooftop solar power system can reduce or completely eliminate your business’s electric bill. Generating your own electricity makes you depend less upon the power from the utility supplier. This will immediately result into savings on your energy bill.

Protection against Changing Utility Rates

As demand for energy rises and non-renewable resources shrink, the cost of energy rises. Apart formthis, unforeseen events can cause sudden short-term spikes in energy prices, putting stress on your business.

Installing your own rooftop solar power system can reduce or eliminate your exposure to rising electricity rates. The portion of your energy usage that is generated by your rooftop solar system does not get affected with short or long-term increases in electricity rates. The more prices rise, the greater your savings.

Become a Green Business

Generating electricity from solar energy means your company uses less fossil fuel, which results into reduced pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. By switching to solar power, your company contributes to fight climate change and to reduce our country’s dependence of foreign energy sources.

Return on Investment

Between government tax incentives and the reduction of solar equipment costs, solar power continues to be a durable investment for businesses generating both long-term savings and quick paybacks. Though the upfront costs may seem overwhelming, going solar can save you a lot for years to come.

Rooftop solarenergy system costings depend on its size and capacity. While the cost of rooftop solar panels and solarenergy technology has been decreasing steadily over the years, the initial amount can be high. If you want to install a rooftop solar energy system, financing options such as a rooftop solar panel loan can come to your aid.

Indian government wants to target a 100GW by 2022, which includes 40GW of rooftop solar but as of March 2019 only 3.5GW had been implemented. A rooftop solar panel loan allows you to purchase a rooftop solarenergy system and pay it off over time. You own the system completely, which can allow you to enjoy the benefits of tax incentives.

Electronica Finance Ltd. offers rooftop solar panel loans to not only manufacturing companies, but also to schools, colleges, and other educational institutions to encourage the use of solar energy. It covers around 75% value of system or installation. Interest rates are flexible and based on the customer’s profile. EFL rooftop solar panel loans can be availed within 7 working days and require minimal documentation.

Whether you own a small building or an institution, choosing solar power for your business can make a huge impact; not only for the environment, but on your bottom line. Why not take a step and experience the benefits of solar energy?EFL will help you make your commercial solar project a reality.

Ashutosh P
Ashutosh P

Ashutosh has more than 18 years of experience in commercial banking and SME finance. He heads the branding and marketing for the company and is also the product head for the secured business finance and rooftop solar finance business. Ashutosh boasts over 20 years of extensive experience in the fields of commercial banking and SME finance. Currently, he holds multiple key roles within the organization, including heading the MD's office, overseeing Strategy and Marketing, and serving as the Product Head for the rooftop solar finance division. Additionally, he spearheads various initiatives that have been instrumental in driving the company towards achieving significant impacts in environmental sustainability and financial inclusion.

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